Taking Off the Rose-Colored Glasses: Finding True Empowerment
If you've ever felt overwhelmed by the pressure to stay positive when life is going to hell in a handbasket, I am with you. In the summer of 2023, I questioned beliefs I had held for decades. It is why the Liminal Forest exists.
I have heard that my work is dark. I don't think it is dark; I think it is real. I create for real people who have real struggles they need to work through. Sometimes, my art is graphic because life itself can be intense, and I believe that confronting these moments honestly helps us connect more deeply with our experiences. I focus on creating art that explores life's beauty, pain, certainty, and uncertainty and create for those who recognize that true transformation comes from embracing it all. My hope is that my cards connect with those willing to step into the forest and walk their path—guided not by unseen forces but by the deeper, wiser self that is always there, waiting to be heard.
The Liminal Forest was born out of one of the most challenging periods of my life. In the summer of 2023, after independently publishing The Raven's Dream Tarot, I found myself navigating a difficult and unexpected legal situation. It led to a months-long struggle regarding my ability to continue creating independently. The experience was devastating, both emotionally and financially. As a single mother and sole provider for my kiddo, I drained my savings, took out a high-interest loan, and leveraged the small amount of equity in my home to resolve the issue and gain the freedom to create on my terms.
The Liminal Forest became my way of navigating the turmoil. It was a journey into the emotions that bubbled to the surface—fear, oh so much fear, and burning hot anger as I had never felt before. But there was also hope and resilience. This deck doesn't shy away from the shadows or promise quick fixes. This deck encourages you to explore all emotions deeply rather than relying solely on positivity as a solution. The Liminal Forest invites you to walk through the dense forest of your experiences, honor the struggles, and emerge more authentically yourself.
This collection of cards is for those ready to explore life's complexity with open eyes—acknowledging the beauty, pain, and uncertainty, all with sweet little woodland animals. It's a journey for those who understand that true transformation comes not from ignoring the difficulties but from engaging with them, embracing both the wonder and the hardship of the path.
Seeing Through the Illusion of Relentless Positivity
How often do you look for signs, call upon spirit, listen for messages, and all while trying to stay optimistic while experiencing a trying time? I do this and encourage others to do it as well. I am working on changing my approach and learning how to deprogram myself so that I can offer empathy over toxic positivity because I know from experience that, although well-intentioned, being told to 'stay positive' made me feel my problem was not fully understood and that my experiences were being diminished. I believe this idea of just "staying positive" leads us away from the true source of power that already lies within us—our own wisdom and intuition.
While going through the separation from my previous publishing situation, I began to see where the reality didn't align with the ideals I had embraced. There was no love and light during that time—no effortless solutions, only difficult decisions, and hard truths. I realized that spirituality is often sold as a practice of relentless positivity—one where if you think happy thoughts, call upon your guides, and keep your vibration high, you will naturally manifest the life you desire. It was a message I had bought into for decades. I desired the freedom to create and not live in fear of losing everything. But what happens when life's difficulties persist, when the answers don't come, when "it's not about spirituality, it's just business"? What happens when silence is all you hear after calling out for guidance? I was begging for help from what I thought of as an all-loving Universe, only to hear crickets. While some people may still find comfort and strength in spirituality or external guidance, facing the reality of my emotions was where I found the strength I needed.
During this period, phrases like 'stay positive' and 'look on the bright side,' while well-intentioned, often felt more like a burden than support, as they didn't allow space for the full complexity of my emotions. Toxic positivity can lead us to believe that it must be our fault if things are not improving. It's very easy to feel that we are the problem—that we must be doing something wrong—and that our lack of external guidance means we somehow fail spiritually or are not worthy of support. I realized that, although the intention behind positivity is often to uplift, it can sometimes lead to an endless cycle of shame and feelings of unworthiness—where we blame ourselves for not being 'positive enough' or 'spiritually aligned enough' to deserve help.
And it's here, in that moment of feeling desperation, that I realized staying positive wasn't serving me. I needed to process all the emotions, especially the hard ones. I needed to feel the fear, anger, as well as, hope, and all the complicated feelings I tried to suppress during a time of complete and utter change. Halfway into creating the deck, I realized that genuine strength forms when we let go of the idea that some outside force will ride in like a knight in shining armor and rescue us. True strength often comes when we face reality and engage with all our emotions. While positivity and spirituality can be helpful, there is also power in embracing the full truth of our situation.
The Liminal Forest Oracle takes you on a different path. Rather than asking you to wear rose-colored glasses or rely on something outside of yourself, this deck invites you to step into the reality of your own life with open eyes and an open heart. It encourages you to embrace the complexity, the struggles, and the in-between moments—the liminal spaces that hold just as much power as the moments of light.
Practical themes for challenging times, offering an authentic exploration of life's complexity
There is no promise that angels or spirit guides will show you the way through the deep, dark wood; instead, this deck is an invitation to explore your strengths, how much you already know, and how much your intuition and resilience can guide you. Here's a look at 11 cards from this 54-card deck and how they might help you navigate your way through your own difficult time.
1. Change: Embracing Transformation
Change was the first card I created for the deck. You'll notice the little fox falling down a hole. The deer looking a bit suspicious. Sometimes, change feels as though we are knocked down into a hole. The card represents moments of transition that can be unsettling, especially if you are not expecting a shift in your life, but it can also be essential for growth. It calls on you to reflect on what changes you may resist and consider how embracing transformation might open new opportunities. The Change card encourages you to explore all your options and to guide yourself through life's shifts rather than clinging to what no longer serves you.
2. Courage: Facing Fear with Honesty
The Courage card is about stepping forward even when fear is present. I saw myself as a fox who had lost its tail to something bigger and stronger, and I wanted my tail back. Use this card as a prompt to identify areas where fear of reclaiming something rightfully yours is holding you back. Maybe it's your agency, your freedom to decide what you do next, or perhaps a promotion you worked your ass off for only to see it going to someone who is chummy with the boss—or standing up and declaring your love for someone that your family does not approve of. What small act of bravery can you take today? Courage isn't the absence of fear; it's the decision to move forward into it wholeheartedly.
3. Anger: Transforming Energy into Motivation
I experienced genuine anger, the kind of momma bear rage that is rare but potent. Anger is a powerful energy that motivates us to move forward when used correctly. It's an energy that needs to be harnessed and controlled, and when you do, this energy can fuel you; it keeps you fighting for what is right, even when the situation seems impossible. Instead of suppressing anger, reflect on what it is trying to tell you. How can you use this energy to create positive change? Out of anger, we see significant changes in the world; we see political and policy change, and we find justice. No movement or cause was sparked from warm and fuzzy feelings; something happened, and anger came through. We may rely on hope and optimism when the ball starts rolling, as those, too, will play an essential role in the progress. When Anger appears, it is there to help you transform this powerful emotion into something constructive, fueling growth rather than destruction.
4. Perspective: Seeing Beyond the Immediate
Perspective is about stepping back to see the bigger picture. During this stressful time, I found myself getting tunnel vision. You know, when you can only focus on a minute detail of a very complex situation. When I started seeing my situation from different perspectives, I understood what was happening and the importance of finding an amicable solution. When challenges feel insurmountable, what might change if you view your situation from a different angle or the opposition's side? Use this card to reframe your current struggles and recognize the broader context of your journey.
5. Procrastination: Understanding What Holds You Back
Hi, I am MJ and I am a procrastinator. While going through the headache that was the summer of 2023, my CPA requested a spreadsheet of expenses(blech), and I easily found a thousand things to do instead of spending a few hours compiling that document for her. The Procrastination card helps you dig beneath the surface to discover why you are putting something off. I created the Procrastination card because I needed an excuse not to do the spreadsheet. Is it fear of failure or success or facing a harsh reality? By acknowledging these underlying reasons, you can break free of stagnation. This card invites you to address what's really going on up there in your noggin' so that you can uncover what is stopping you and begin to take meaningful action. Do I still procrastinate? You bet, but at least I know why now!
6. Adrift: Accepting Uncertainty
For months, I felt utterly adrift, and actually still do from time to time. The Adrift card appears when you feel lost, without a clear direction. Going with the flow and accepting uncertainty rather than forcing myself to find immediate answers has helped me sort out what I really want from a situation. When you allow time to float and see where the currents take you, there are opportunities to discover new paths. The card comes up when you will benefit from reflecting on how being adrift might be an opportunity to explore and rest without the pressure of knowing all the answers.
7. Quicksand: Letting Go of Struggle
I was listening to NPR one morning while taking my kiddo to school, and a guest on the show talked about how, although it is usually depicted in cartoons, people do indeed get stuck in quicksand and how to get yourself out if it happens to you. It was a compelling interview but also made me think about how we can get stuck in "metaphorical" quicksand. Then, as the person explained how to get it out, it hit me: this is how we help ourselves get unstuck in life. When you're caught in quicksand, struggling often makes things worse. When you panic and flail about, you sink faster. This card encourages you to stop the manic reaction and assess your situation calmly instead. You may need to fall backward briefly, but it will get you unstuck so you can take small, deliberate actions to move forward without panic.
8. Present: Embracing the Now
Creating this deck helped me save my splintering sanity in the summer of 2023. While creating art, I am in the present. I am not focused on the future but on what I am doing at that time. Being present helped me stay focused on my goal; it helped me not spiral into despair. The Present card reminds you that the only true moment is now. Instead of being consumed by past regrets or future anxieties, ground yourself in the current moment. What small joys can you appreciate today? What action can you take right now that will bring peace or fulfillment?
9. Perfection: Releasing Unrealistic Standards
When I realized that concessions were needed for this disastrous period to finally end, I had to let go of my ideal outcome. Clinging to it would only prolong the ordeal and increase my attorney fees. Perfection asks you to release unrealistic standards and embrace imperfection. Life is messy, and holding ourselves or others to perfect ideals often results in inaction. This card invites you to value progress over perfection and to celebrate the beauty in the imperfect.
10. Creativity: Trusting Your Unique Voice
My creativity has always been my superpower. Creativity helps us find solutions; it also helps us create new paths or opportunities within a difficult situation. Our creativity can allow our minds to play, releasing stress and creating moments of joy. Shortly after finalizing my agreement with my previous publisher, I began writing the Annotated Guidebook for Unfinished Business. Without sharing too much, you will find all sorts of references, from anagrams to other tidbits reflecting that difficult period. I had a fun time, for sure.
The Creativity card encourages you to express yourself authentically through art, writing, or another outlet. It's about allowing your unique energy to manifest in the world without fear of judgment. Use this card to explore what you want to create and how you can realize your vision.
11. Empathy: Deepening Your Connection
Finally, while going through this period, it felt like I had a giant wasp nest affixed to my head. The constant buzzing of discomfort reminded me that my life was changing drastically. Adding to that was the fear that one wrong move would lead to a world of hurt! Or at the least cause more pain than I would like. The Empathy card came about because what I needed most was just a non-judgmental ear, someone who would listen to me. I couldn't talk with my kid about what was happening because the situation was causing them enormous stress since we were looking at financial devastation, which impacted their sense of security. Talking to my attorney cost me hundreds of dollars an hour, so that was out. And although well-meaning, my friends could not help but try to offer solutions. The thing is, unless you have been through it, you just don't understand. This card appears when genuine empathy for yourself or others is what is needed and will help build deep, trusting relationships. The card also appears when you need encouragement to direct compassion inward, helping you stay balanced and resilient in the face of life's challenges.
Reclaiming Your Power: Trusting Your Inner Guide
The Liminal Forest Oracle emerged from a real struggle in my life that no "positive thinking" could change. This deck is designed to work in conjunction with your spiritual practices or approaches—it is here to offer a deep, grounded perspective when you are ready to explore the full spectrum of your experiences. Navigating my way through helped me understand my emotions, and I hope it will do the same for you. The Liminal Forest Oracle is not just for when you are ready to dive deep into every emotion you experience immediately—it's a tool that can support you wherever you are on your journey, offering both gentle prompts and deeper reflections as you feel ready for them. Go forward bravely, knowing that with each step you take, you possess within everything you need to confront what lurks in the deep dark woods.